
Check the reference and provided material

The two most important sources of reference are

  1. The basil.js function reference
  2. The “Jongware” InDesign CS6 reference (

If you are stuck with your basil.js project you should first try to find an answer or inspiration

  1. In our tutorials section
  2. In the provided example and demo scripts that come with basil.js (
  3. In our provided list of helpful resources

Analyze your problem

If your question cannot be helped that way you should identify for yourself if your problem is

  1. Related to JavaScript in general
  2. Related to InDesign Scripting in general
  3. Related to specific basil.js contexts

For 1. and 2. you are likely to find help somewhere in the WWW by using a search engine of your choice.

If it is a very specific basil.js question, you should check our Q/A database at stackoverflow. (

Ask a new question

If your question has not been asked so far, you are welcome to add one there. (

Please use the tags “basil.js”, “indesign” and “javascript” to make sure that people who might know an answer actually see your question.

The basil.js team tries to answer most questions themselves, but please understand that at certain times this is simply not possible.