
Opens a selection dialog that allows to select a folder. The settings object can be used to add a prompt text at the top of the dialog and to set the dialog’s starting folder.

Type: function


  • settings {Object} Optional:

    A settings object to control the function’s behavior.

  • settings.prompt {String} Optional:

    The prompt text at the top of the folder selection dialog. Default: "" (no prompt)

  • settings.folder {} Optional:

    Folder or a folder path string defining the start location of the dialog. Default: most recent dialog folder or main user folder.


  • {Folder | Null}:

    The selected folder. If the user cancels, null will be returned.


Open folder selection dialog with a prompt text

selectFolder({prompt: "Please select a folder."});

Open folder selection dialog starting at the user's desktop

selectFolder({folder: "~/Desktop/"});